Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 9, 2024

Note before publish/run webgl unity on IIS server to make the game run

 Shoud go to your webgl site in IIS then add mime types:

For example, after you build webgl, you have some files in the build folder:

You should add: .data, .wasm... and .unityweb with type application/octet-stream

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Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 7, 2024

How to keep motivation when doing anything

 Whenever you feel very strong motivation at first when doing something, but by the time, your motivation is gone away?

Don't worry! That's normal. Everyone got the same issue with you. Let have an example. If it's the first time you learn to play piano. You are total new without any knowledge. A few first lessons, you learn musical notes, you know buttons that are represented for each note. You feel excited since you discovered new things, and it's simple and easy for you. You are enthusiastic waiting to the next lesson. But by the time, more complex and difficult technic come to you. You struggle with them. It takes you more time. And you start feeling less motivation. And finally you quit, thinking that you don't have ability to play piano.

That's because you don't know practicing V session. (Mindset secrets for winning by Mark Minervini)

The V session start with a relatively easy task, moves on to difficult part, then end with another easy task for strong finish. This takes advantage of the serial-position effect, which is a person’s tendency to recall the first and last events more vividly than the ones in the middle.

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Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2024

Little Fox - Journey to the west - The water cave

 The monkey leaps through the waterfall and lands on a cave. It's a large cave, filled with bamboos, trees, and beautiful flowers. A stream flows through the cave, and moss covers the walls. He sees a long table with cups, plates, and bowls. A fireplace sits against one wall, and many cozy beds are present.

Other monkeys stand outside, thinking the monkey is washed away by the waterfall. They moan. Suddenly, with a splash, the monkey jumps out of the waterfall, landing in front of the other monkeys. "I found a beautiful home for all of us. Come inside," he announces.

The monkeys jump inside the waterfall one by one. They are very surprised and feel very interested. They fight for beds and try to take things from each other.

The monkey looks at his friend and coughs. Every monkey stops what they are doing and looks at him. "I found the cave, and now I'm your king. Why aren't you bowing to me?" he demands.

All monkeys bow to the monkey and call him "The Monkey King." Then they live happily in the cave. One day, while they are having a feast, the monkey suddenly feels sad. A friend notices his sadness and comes to ask him the reason. "Why are you sad?" he asks.

"Our lives are perfect," the monkey says, "and I want to live forever, but one day I will die."

"Then you can find a sage to learn how to live forever," the friend suggests. "You have to travel through the sea, reach the land where people live, and they can tell you where a sage lives."

The monkey builds a raft and loads fruits and nuts on it. He pushes it down the stream and jumps on board. He waves to his friend and says, "After I learn how to live forever, I'll come back!" The raft floats away, and his journey begins.

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Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2024

Little Fox - The Final Chapter: The Secret Garden - In the Garden

Mr. Craven had wandered through Europe, visiting many beautiful places, famous mountains, and Norwegian fjords. Yet, it couldn't make him better; the cloud still hung over him.

One day, while hiking in a forest, he decided to rest on a carpet of moss beside a stream. He didn't know how long he had sat there, but the sunlight washed over him. As he looked around, he saw flowers blooming, birds singing, and the stream playing its gentle rhythm. And suddenly, he felt a sense of peace he hadn't experienced in a long time.

That night, he slept soundly, free from nightmares for the first time in months.

One day, while seated on a balcony chair in a hotel room, the moonlight bathed him in its soft glow. He drifted off to sleep and dreamed of his wife, who softly called out, "Archie! In the garden."

The next morning, a servant brought him a letter from Mrs. Sowerby, urging him to return home.

Upon his arrival, he immediately summoned Mrs. Medlock, inquiring about Colin's condition. However, she seemed hesitant to respond. He said nervously, "I think he might be better or worse. No one knows if he eats much or not at all."

Mr. Craven felt an inexplicable pull towards the secret garden. He had buried the key ten years ago, but a powerful intuition told him something was there, and he had to see it. He walked past the old fountain, now surrounded by vibrant flowers. He stopped at the garden door, and as if by magic, it creaked open. A boy burst out, bumping into him. "Father, I'm Colin!"

Mr. Craven couldn't believe his eyes. His son was running on his own legs! Was it a miracle wrought by the garden? "Tell me everything about it," he said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Colin led him into the garden and shared his story. As they walked through the yard, all the servants stared in astonishment. There was no longer a sickly boy, but a healthy young man walking freely, just like any other boy. 

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Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 2, 2024

Litte Fox - The secret garden - chapter 26

 Dickon worked not only in the secret garden but also in his family's garden. One day, after supper, while he was working on his family's garden, his mother sat on the stone fence beside him. He told her about the secret garden, about Colin, and how he got well.

His mother, Mrs. Sowerby, was happy about it and asked Dickon, "How do the servants think about Colin's health?"

Dickon said they didn't think anything. They didn't know what had happened with Colin.

However, there was a problem. Colin and Mary were growing, and after working in the garden, they were very hungry. But they didn't dare ask for more food, since they were afraid of revealing the secret that Colin was getting well.

Mrs. Sowerby gave Dickon an idea. She would bake bread in the morning, and then Dickon would bring it and a pail of milk to Colin and Mary.

Colin and Mary were very happy about it, but after a while, they realized Mrs. Sowerby had a large family to feed. So, they started paying for her food.

One day, Dickon found a hole in the wood nearby that they could use to make an oven to roast potatoes and eggs. They didn't feel hungry anymore.

They kept pretending that Colin was not well. They hardly touched their food when the servants brought it to them, and Colin continued to act unwell. His doctor asked him many questions, and Colin answered wearily.

Mary giggled, but she quickly turned it into a cough when she realized Colin's doctor was looking at her.

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Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2023

A new strategy to make more money with less effort

 The Pareto principle show that one percent of popular make more than 90 percent of money. The classic way to earn more money in a field is you have to be very good at that field. For example, in football, if you are Cristiano Ronaldo or Leona Messi, you will be pay off at the top of the world. So much soccer in the world, but just 1 percent of them earn a lot of money. The best soccer in Vietnam earns about $5000 per month, but a mediocre soccer earns about $500 to $1000. Ronaldo or Messi can earn about two hundred of thousands dollar per weeks, they earn even more than 10 times compare with soccer who play for their national team. To be the best, you need extremely effort and a thousand of hours of practice and also talent. It's very difficult, right?

So, do we have another way to earn more money than try to be the best? The answer is Yes. In the flat world nowadays, we can earn more money even we are mediocre in a field. For example, if you are a normal soccer, but you have some other normal skills like photoshop, making videos, SEO, writing, ... You can have a YouTube channel teaching soccer for newbies. Your video content is understandable, attractive, and then it attracts many people to view your videos. And you can make money by adding advertises to your video or selling soccer products.

So the key here is to learn more skills that adding value for your current skill. You don't have to be expert in new skills, just need to be average or above average. A skill is normal when it is standalone, but when combining them together it will have significant effect.

In the financial field, there are many professional brokers. Their ability are equal or even the one who make more money has their knowledge less than the one who make less money. Why? Because of the difference of marketing skill. The one who know marketing skill attract more people follow him rather than the one who don't know marketing.

Same with online business. 2 people sell the same product. The one who has writing skill sell more products than the one who don't have or poor writing skill. Buyer attracts by the product story, the product description...and then buy the product.

In IT field, the developers who have English skill earn more than 2 times the one who don't have English skill. If they also have presentation, public speaking, problem-solving...skills, they even earn more money.

In a field, so many people have the same skill. So we have to make us difference by to be the best one in the field or to be the one who has more skills. 

For example, to be an expert in marketing, you can go to a collage and spend 4 years of effort to gain about 90 percent of marketing knowledge. But you also can spend few months learning a course online, be an apprentice at a company and gain about 70 percent of marketing knowledge.

This strategy is called "Talent Stacking". 

The benefit of Talent Stacking is:

  • It's easier than try to be best at one skill
  • It gives you more flexibility and adaptability in a changing world
  • It allows you to explore different interests and passions
The challenge of Talent Stacking is:
  • Think of new skills that you can learn and combine with your current skills
  • Consume as much information about that skill as possible in a short of time (ex: a week)
  • Think of potential ways those skills can work together
  • Start today and try to be better than yesterday

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Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 11, 2023

How to actually get things done

Do you have a time when you have to complete a homework for tomorrow, but you feel completely hesitate to do it? You want to watch films rather than doing the things you should do? Do you have time when you talk to yourself you should go to gym after work, but then you feel tire, and then you choose to go home watching TV rather than go to the gym? Many people, buy gym ticket for a year, but we can count the time they go to the gym by our fingers. Many people have a strong motivation at the time they buy gym ticket, but after several days, their motivation goes lower and lower, and then they stop going to the gym.

There's a research, in which the researcher split participants into 3 groups. Group 1 is asked to track times they go to the gym over the next 2 weeks. Group 2 is also asked to track their exercise, but in addition they were given a motivation message along with pamphlets why exercise is beneficial. Group 3 is asked to write down when, where and how they exercise. And the result is group 1 38% of people continue to exercise, group 2 35%, and group 3 is 91%. The method that group 3 does is Implementation Intention. When we write down specific plan, we tend to go with that plan. 

Even better, with coping plans. Coping plans are specific ways to do your plans when you are facing obstacles. It follows the pattern: "If i face X obstacle, I will do Y". For example, if your plan is go to the gym at 5 PM, but at that day, your boss asks you to work overtime till 6 PM. You can make a coping plan, if I have to work overtime till 6 PM, I will go to the gym at 6 and haft PM and if I have to work till 7PM, I will go to the gym tomorrow.

When you specify actions, you more likely tend to stick with your plan. And people have coping plans have things done even more than people have only Implementation Intention.

And we also have a tip to do thing when we feel hesitation. For example, you have to read 20 pages of a document and summarize it for your tomorrow meeting, but after work, you feel exhausted. So your plan can be, if i exhaust, i will only read 1 page or even read a half of a page. And normally, when you read 1 page, you tend to continue read another page because at this time you are already on a track of working. You just feel hesitation at the first time, but when you actually do it, your hesitation is clear away, and you keep doing till the end.

Source: (33) How To Actually Get Things Done (implementation intentions) - YouTube

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